Friday, May 20, 2011

A turn...maybe not for the worse though

Well, sometime yesterday between the time I left for work and the time I returned home Porter managed to cause some sort of damage to his tumor leg.  He was limping really badly.  We took a short walk and he still ate dinner, wanted treats, and had a chewie but the poor guy's leg just hurt.  He was still limping a lot this morning.  I didn't take the change very well.  I did ok through half of the morning at work but lost it after a conversation about Porter I had with a colleague.  I've been trying to hang on to my vacation and personal know, just in case...but talked myself into needing to be with the dogs.  I could barely tell my boss I needed to leave.  The tears welled up...I couldn't handle it.  Something changed...A shift in what has been normal for several weeks.  It stirred up all the emotions I had when I first learned about Porter's cancer.  On my way down to my folk's house (with dogs in tow of course) I realized that I really didn't need to leave work.  It's just me and all those stupid thoughts I have about losing him.  I gave myself a hard time for a bit longer but then realized that those thoughts I  have about losing him aren't stupid at all.  I needed the time to be with him, to be in the company of those who really understand and could help me with the issue of the day.  Now I don't feel bad about taking the 4 hours of my little vacation time.  I got kisses and gave belly rubs and the pups got to spend awhile with Grandma and Grandpa. 
When I did get home from work to get the dogs Porter's limp had become less impressive.  I would've said he was ok and had just jostled it a bit but would mend.  Then there was commotion in the backyard...a squirrel I think.  And Porter just had to run out to see.  Wouldn't you know...the bad limp was back.  He even held his foot up off the ground a few times.  Dammit!  I can't not let him be a him.  He loves to chase after squirrels.  Now that I think about it, this isn't so different than even just a month ago before we figured out the magic pain med combination.  It's just different than it has been.  And it has been a really great couple weeks.  He had almost no reaction to the chemo 2 weeks ago and his blood work last week was aces.  He's been eating regularly, walking, and playing with Frankie (his little sister).  I just want it to stay that way.  It's been really good...considering.  I suppose that's why I had the emotional melt down this morning.  I'm not mad about it.  I worry about losing him every day, multiple times a day.  But today I was scared.  I had more of a reason to worry.  I was less worried when I was with Porter and Frankie but I'm still concerned he won't bounce back.  It's only going to get tougher for both of us.  That makes me terribly sad.
I put on a strong face for the dogs even though I know they can tell something's off with me.  So we carry on with our normal, everyday lives.  But I know that my worry will return with a vengance one day way too soon.  I dread it.  But for we're ok.  We walked, ate, had treats and a chewie.  We're hangin' on the porch enjoying the nice evening.  I'm going to try not to think about tomorrow...or the next day.  One moment at a time.  Porter's teaching me how to live in the moment...and man, I'm trying.

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